This text includes 54 Vedic hymns popularly used in worship. As far as we know, our English text, contains the largest selection of Vedic hymns available online in English. The Vedas have been revealed for the peace of the world. When Swamiji sought to study Vedas, he was told by priests that he was unfit to study Vedas because he was not born as a Brahmin. Swamiji was quite distraught to not find a teacher and cried and prayed until Goddess Sarasvati appeared before him and taught him Vedas. By the command of Sarasvati Devi Herself, Swamiji teaches Vedas for the peace of the world to men, women, and children with faith and devotion.
Swamiji teaches that the powerful mantras from the Veda mantras are unparalleled for their ability to alter human consciousness. The Veda Mantras carry a sacred vibration which awakens human consciousness to the direct experience of Divinity. They purify the mind of the person who chants or hears them with bhakti (devotion) and they purify the place where they are chanted. Because the Vedic hymns work from the deepest spiritual levels they can be more powerful than physical means for resolving conflicts for individuals, families, and for the society. The Veda mantras have much more complex form than the newer Purana and Tantra mantras. It requires much more time and effort to learn these hymns. It is most often true that the more work people exert toward a desired end, the better the results will be. Swamiji urges spiritual-minded men, women, and children (regardless of nationality, cast, class, race, etc.) to learn to chant Vedas for the peace of the world. Those who seek guidance toward this goal, may contact Swamiji. We plan to update this text adding others mantras like Yama Suktam, Udaka Shanti Mantras, Raja Suktam, Kapota Suktam, Shakuna Suktam, and many others. |
Here is a list of the Veda Mantras contained in this long document:
1 ganapati atharvashirsham 2 subrahmanya mantras 3 rshabha suktam 4 laghu nyaasah 5 rudra prashnam (namakam and camakam) 6 purusha suuktam 7 naarayana suktam 8 vinshu suktam 9 shrii suktam 10 bhuu suuktam 11 niilaa suktam 12 durgaa suktam 13 devii suktam 14 sarasvatii suuktam 15 medhaa suuktam 16 raatri suuktam 17 bhaagya suuktam (morning mantras) 18 aayushya suktam 19 hiranya garbha suktam 20 vaastu suktam 21 kumbha mantras 22 aapa mantras 23 pavamaana suktam (punyaahavaacanam) 24 kapota suktam 25 dasha dikpaalakaa suktam 26 navagraha suktam 27 nakshatra suktam 28 naasadaasiiya suktam 29 agni suktam 30 prthivii suktam 31 oshadhi suktam 32 pitr suktam 33 mrttika suktam 34 go suktam 35 shraddhaa suuktam 36 vivaaha suktam 37 shiva sankalpaah 38 bhadra suuktam 39 brama suuktam 40 mantra pushpam 41 sannyaasi suuktam 42 catur veda paraayanam 43 aashiirvaada mantraah 44 shivopaasana mantraah 45 sarpa suuktam 46 pancaamrta mantraah 47 pancagavya mantraah 48 madhu suuktam 49 jnaana suuktam 50 netronmiilanam mantras 51 rakshoghna suuktam 52 aghamarshana suktam 53 durvaa suuktam 54 panca shaantaayah and dvaadasha shaanti mantras |