A Note to Seeker
We do not offer astrological consultations. Vedic astrology should not be used simply to predict the future, but to gain insight into our current situation and to help to improve life. In rare cases, Swamiji will offer astrological consultations to serious spiritual seekers in relation to their spiritual practice only. The practice of astrology is cheapened when it is used for fortune telling without the application of astrological remedies. The future is uncertain. A good astrologer helps a person to identify and address attachments in the present moment in order to help enable a better future. This is a higher application of the knowledge of astrology. All astrology requests are considered via prashna and rejected or accepted accordingly after payment has been made. If the prashna is not clear, Swamiji is unable to assist you, and your money will be refunded in full. |
Astrological Services:
Muhurta Selection - Selection of an auspicious time for important events - $108 Marriage Compatibility Analysis - Comparison of a couple's astrology before marriage - $150 Gem Stone Recommendation - Recommendation of a Specific Gem or Gems to be worn - $50 Gemstone / Yantra Pratishtham - Energization of Gemstone remedies - $250 Astrological Remedies: Astrological Analysis and Puja Remedy - $450 Navagraha Shanti or Homam - Prayers to ease the effect of all nine Planets - $600 - $900 Graha Shanti or Homam - Prayers to ease the malefic effects of one Planet - $450-$600 Nakshatra Puja or Homam - Prayers to ease the effects of Nakshatras - $450-$600 Sarpa Puja or Homam - Prayers to ease Sarpa Dosha - $450-$600 Sade Sati Shanti - Prayers to ease the transit of Saturn over the natal Moon or Ascendant - $600 Mangaladosha Shanti (Prayers to ease mangala dosha causing difficulties to marry - $450 Putra Dosha Shanti - Prayers to overcome astrological placements giving difficulty to conceive a child - $450 Pitri / Matri Dosha Shanti - Prayers to ease the effects of ancestral karmas - $450 Bhuta Graha Shanti - Prayers to facilitate the release of ghosts, ancestors or demons when a person is possessed - $450 |