"The two qualities most needed in the world now are empathy and compassion. When we can truly love others and work ceaselessly to save from suffering even those who ridicule and seek to injure us, then only will we find inner peace and freedom from suffering. As people come to peace within themselves, the energy of peace spreads first to the family and friends and then through society at large. If we desire to work for peace in the world, we must serve God in all things and meditate constantly on inner peace."
- Gaṇanāthāmṛtānanda Svāmī
Founder and Spiritual Teacher of the
Shukla Bhadra Sampradya Lineage |
Swamiji is the founder and Pīṭhādhipati (Spiritual Director) of the Soma Matha. A matha is a monastery or a teaching center. Swamiji has deeply studied the Vedic Sciences deeply and attained a high level of mastery of Yoga, Mantra, Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and Vastu Shastra.
He has taught the Vedic Sciences to sincere students from all back grounds for over 20 years, and has provided counsel and spiritual services for various Temples, Churches, and other spiritual organizations across the US and India. The Soma Matha Spiritual Center was built to help spread Swamiji's teachings and blessings to a greater audience. Swamiji works tirelessly to preserve the authenticity of the Vedic Sciences, which have been revealed to the world by the ancient Sages for peace, health, prosperity, and liberation from suffering for all in the world. During the year 2002, Swamiji underwent an intense period of tapasya (spiritual austerity) under the guidance of his masters. During this time, Swamiji was blessed with the experience of nirvikalpa samaadhi - the experience of union with God pervading the entire union. This experience is the ultimate goal of all spiritual practice, therefore Swamiji teaches not only from an intellectual understanding of the concepts of yoga but from his own direct experience of the practice. Swamiji began his teachings in 2005, this is when the Soma Matha Spiritual Center was founded - to help spread the authentic teachings of Yoga and the other Vedic sciences which are often misunderstood in the West. Swamiji is currently working on several books to be published in the near future. Swamiji continues his saadhana (spiritual practice) to deepen his own experience of the Divine and to help ease the suffering of the world by mitigating the karmas of society and provides guidance and teachings to sincere seekers from all back grounds. |
How to Get in Touch with Swamiji
There are many ways to get in touch with Swamiji. Please select whichever way suits your needs and comfort.
Submit A Prayer Request |
Schedule an Appointment
Attend a Ceremony |