"God hears our faithful prayers and always responds. Have faith that your prayers are being answered beyond your imagination. Nothing is impossible for those who pray." |
- Swamiji
Prayer Request
Please concisely describe your request for prayers. If you know your Gotra and Nakshatra, please include these. If you do not know these, simply include your name and prayer request. Swamiji does not have time to personally respond to every prayer request. He does see every request and will offer prayers for you.
Donation for Prayer Requests
We happily offer prayers for all in need, whether they can afford to donate or not. Donation will empower your prayer request by opening an energetic channel through which blessings may be sent to you. It is traditional whenever requesting any spiritual service to offer whatever dakshinam (donation) a person can afford. Your donation helps enable our continued service. Please consider donating today, no gift is too small.