Ansestor Prayer Request
Send us the names of your deceased relatives to be included in our prayers. Names can be sent to [email protected] - Please consider sponsoring our pujas for the deceased also. We recommend a contribution of $27 or $108, but you can contribute whatever you like also. If names are not included with your donation, we will simply pray for you and "all" deceased family members and acquaintances. We will be offering prayers with pinda danam.
About the Puja
We are offering prayers monthly for the deceased. The Vedic tradition tells us that prayers are required after death to help the disembodied soul to reach the light of the Pitri Loka. The process of transiting from the physical realm to the realm of the ancestors requires some time. Prayers can help to expediate the process and free the pretas (disembodied souls in transit) from the lower astral realms. Especially in the case of sudden, tragic, violent, or untimely death, there is a great possibility that the soul will become caught in the lower astral realm. These souls haunt and occasionally possess the living and are an unseen source of a great deal of human suffering. To avoid these troubles, the Hindu scriptures have recommended certain rituals. At the time of death, 11 days or more of rituals are recommended to be followed by monthly rituals for one year and then special annual rituals for 12 years. People can offer regular offerings at home of water and black sesame seeds at a shrine apart from their regular puja altar.
If you send us the names of your departed loved ones, we will include them in our monthly prayers and rituals offered here. This can be especially helpful if you are not making regular offerings or if traditional funeral offerings were not made. We are happy to include any names that you send in our prayers. Donating helps to connect you (and your loved ones) to the energy of the offerings made here. |
New Moon Dates for 2025 (For US Eastern time)
Dec 30th 2024 (until 4:30 pm)
Tue. Jan 28th Thu Feb 27th Fri Mar 28th Sun Apr 27th |
Mon May 26th
Tue Jun 24th Thu Jul 24th (ending at 3 pm) Fri Aug 22th (beginning 2 pm) |
Sat Sep 20th (beginning 2:46 pm)
Mon Oct 20th Thu Nov 20th Fri Dec 19th |
Ancestor Prayer Sponsorship
Recommended donation $27 or $108