All proceeds from puja services help to build the Shakambhari Devi Temple in Virginia
Deity Pujas |
A Full Range of Deity Pujas
Puja, Abhishekam, or Archanam can be performed to various Deities for specific purposes. Puja involves invoking the Deity and making various offerings. Abhishekam includes a bathing ritual along with other basic puja offerings. Archanam in an abbreviated puja ceremonies offering 108 names and fruit and light to the Deity. The recommended donation for Puja is $400, for Abhishekam $600 and for Archanam $36. Some of the Deities we can perform puja to include: Ganesha - To remove obstacles, for grounding, to bless new endeavors, for knowledge and success, and for students Vishnu - To remove difficulties, to bring about wealth and success, to increase harmony, to maintain good things) Dhanvantari - For health and healing, to increase longevity, and for happiness and mental peace Durga - To remove all sorts of difficulties and dangers, to bring about prosperity, to overcome egoism and to gain confidence Lakshmi - To overcome poverty and disease, to increase wealth and prosperity, to bring about joy and peace, to attract good things Sarasvati - To increase peace and enjoyment, for knowledge and wisdom, for students, to master sciences, to rise above worldliness Venkateshwara - For removal of troubles, for protection, to attract good things, to increase health, success, wealth, harmony in relationships Murugan - For quick results, to increase spiritual awareness, for spiritual initiation, for occult knowledge and knowledge of Yoga, for confidence, leadership skills, success, victory, protection, and speed and precision Shiva - To remove all sorts of difficulties and to bring about all sorts of benefits, for peace and spiritual realization, to help us to recognize and accept the Divine grace in all situations, Shiva puja is suitable for all purposes Narasimha - To drive away demonic beings and dark forces and egoism, to protect from thieves, danger, and disaster Krishna - To increase devotion and enjoyment, to increase love, to increase confidence and self-love Shakambhari - Protection, abundance, nourishment, safe travel, connection with nature, knowledge of the effects of herbs and fruits and vegetables, to ease severe troubles We also offer: Navavarana Puja - Puja to the Goddess in the Sacred Shri Yantram. This complex ceremonies bestows the results of the worship of Sarvadeva / all Deities $900 Ekadashini Rudram - This involves the recitation of 11 repetition of the Sacred $1,100 Lalita Sahashranama Archanam - Worship of the Goddess with 1,000 names $150 Shiva Sahasranama Archanam - Worship of Shiva with 1,000 names $150 Graha Shanti - Puja to ease the malefic effects of Planets -see our Astrological services for more details Vastu Pujas - See vastu services for more details Ayurveda Pujas - See Ayurveda services for more details Satyanarayana Puja - For removing all troubles and bestowing all benefits along with spiritual realization - this puja is often offered on the full moon day $600 Yantra Pujas for Various Deities - Colorful yantra designs are created and the Deity is invoked and offerings made $1,000 |
Homa Services |
Homa or Yajna is the most elaborate form of worship involving offerings made to the sacred fire. Homam can be offered here at the Temple or on site at your home or business. Homa generates a great deal of energy compared to puja and requires more time and offerings. Homa can be preferable when there is doubt as to whether a simpler puja will be sufficient. We generally recommend a donation of $600 for homam in addition to the purchase of the required offerings.
Homas we can perform include: Ganapati Homam - To remove obstacles, for grounding, for knowledge and success, and for students Sudarshana Homam - To protect from negative forces, to overcome difficulties, for victory over enemies, and to protect from evil eye Chandi / Durga Homam - To remove all sorts of difficulties and dangers, to bring about prosperity, to overcome egoism and to gain confidence Ayushya Homam - For health, happiness, and longevity Maha Mrityunjaya Homam - To protect from untimely death, to overcome chronic illness, or to prepare for the afterlife Rudra Homam - To remove all sorts of difficulties and to bring about all sorts of benefits, to help us to recognize and accept the Divine grace in all situations, Rudra homam is suitable for all purposes Purusha Sukta / Vishnu Homam - To remove difficulties, to bring about wealth and success, to increase harmony, to maintain good things Shri Suktam / Lakshmi Homam - To overcome poverty and disease, to increase wealth and prosperity, to bring about joy and peace Navagraha Homam - To balance the energies of the nine Planets, remove all difficulties, and to bring about all good things Gayatri Homam - To bring about spiritual illumination, to align ourselves with the Divine will, for purification, spiritual awareness, and confidence Putra Kamesthi Homam - To overcome difficulties in conceiving children and to bring about offspring Tila Homam - To help the ancestors, to reduce the bonds of family karma, and to remove specific generational curses Rakshoghna Homam - To drive away demonic beings and dark forces, to protect from theives, danger, and disaster Brahma Kurcham - The five sacred substances from the cow are offered along with Vedic mantras, For purification, health, and prosperity Devata Homam - Homam can be offered to any of the Deities listed above and others for specific purposes |
Samskaras (Traditional Rites of Passage) |
Garbha Dhanam - Prayers to attract a spiritual soul before conception - $150
Pumsavanam - Prayers for a good life for the child in the 3rd month - $150 Simantonayanam - Hair parting, prayers for healthy birth around the 7th month - $150 Jatakarma - Ceremony for blessing a newborn - $250 Jatakarma and Jatakam - Evaluation of the birth chart of the child along with Jatakarma and Astrological remedies - $500 Namakaranam - Name giving - $150 Nishkramanam - First outing - $150 Annaprashanam - First feeding of solid food - $150 Chudakaranam - First hair cutting, shaving head, retaining shikha - $150 Karnavedha - Blessing of Ear piercing - $150 Aksharabhyasam - Commencement of education - $150 Vedarambham - Commencement of Veda study - $150 Upanayanam - Spiritual initiation and giving of the sacred thread (upaveetam) - $600 Keshanta - First shaving of beard - $150 Ritu kala - First menstruation - $150 Samavartanam - Conclusion of Vedic study - $500 Nishchitartham - Engagement - $250 Vivaham - Marriage - $900 Shashti abda purti - 60th Birthday - $350 Bheema ratha shanti - 70th Birthday - $350 Shatabhishekam - 80th birthday - $350 Antyeshti - Funeral Ceremonies - $400 Narayana bali - Additional rituals in the case of tragic or untimely death - $150 Shraddha and tarpanam - Ongoing ceremonies for the deceased for 12 years - $350 |
Temple Services |
Swamiji is versed in a range of rituals for purification and consecration and energetic maintanence of sacred spaces. He offers services for spiritual intitutions like Prana Pratishtha, Vigraha Nyasa, Yantra and Ratna Sthapanam, Dwajasthambha Pratishtha, Ashtabandhanan, Kumbhabhishekam etc. Many Temples and Ashrams in the West lack the resources to conduct traditional consecration rituals involving dozens of priests and tens of thousands of dollars of offerings. Swamiji is capable of helping to manifest or maintain similar results when the full proscribed rituals are prohibitively expensive. Swamiji has attended and participated in the consecration in various capacities at Temples in the US and India including the Hindu Center of Virginia, Sai Narayana Temple, Bharatiya Temple (PA), Maha Ganapati Temple (AZ), Shanti Niketan (VA) and Satchidananda Ashram (VA). Swamiji offers counseling and guidence to ashrams, Temples, and spiritual institutions, and Deva Prashna style readings to help instituions to resolve specific difficulties.
Spiritual Initiations |
Occasionally Swamiji offers empowerments for the spiritual practice of individuals. This is not the same a traditional diksha (spiritual intiation) which is traditionally given only after a great deal of study and preparation to serious spiritual seekers. Those seeking diksha, who are prepared to spend the necessary time to prepare may contact Swamiji: [email protected]