Join Us in Our 2023 Makara Shankranti Celebration!
On Jan. 14th from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Eastern time.
Makara Shankranti is a very special day for Hindus which marks the entry of the Sun into the sign of Capricorn.
Traditionally, prayers are offered on this day for the Sun and the other Nine Planets of Vedic Astrology. This year, these offerings can be especially helpful in a time when several Planets are retrograde (or have just come out of retrogradation), and when the Sun is moving into the same sign as Saturn who is set to transit a couple days latter on the 17th. After several years of intense Planetary energies causing much tension in the world, this is a great time to offer prayers to the Nine Planets to reset to help the world move beyond the recent world events which have been limiting human prosperity and peace. Nava Graha Shanti Puja helps with all concerns and is useful for anyone as it helps to balance the energies of all the Planets and to address every sort of trouble in a birth chart.
Makara Shankranti is also the day Swamiji was born on and so he will be offering special prayers for everyone this day. Click Here to Learn about Our Shani Shanti Puja on the 17th |