Learn to interpret Dreams and Omens to enhance your diagnostic toolkit and gather more insights for your clients.
The traditional texts on Ayurveda, include sections on interpretation of dreams and omens. Vaidyas of earlier times used to rely heavily upon information presented through such methods of Divination to allow the Devas to provide guidance and insight into the conditions of their patients. If the omens were inauspicious when a patient approached, the vaidya would know that he could not help that person and they would be turned away. Insight about the prospect and timeframe for recovery can be deduced through careful interpretation of the omens. Insight into the causes of a person's condition and the needed course of action to bring about healing can also be gleaned through divination. For many conditions where the causes are subtle or hidden, or where karmic or spiritual causes have brought about a condition, it will be very difficult to uncover the cause or to prescribe a successful course of treatment.
Traditionally, vaidyas used different methods of Divination including astrology and palmistry along with the traditional methods of diagnosis like nadi (pulse diagnosis), darshana (visual inspection), sparshana (palpitation), and prashnam (questioning the patient). As Ayurveda is becoming more and more academic and its practice is influenced by the practice of Western medicine, these practices are being forgotten and the spiritual depth of Ayurveda is beginning to be lost. This is subject matter which generally cannot be taught at university and institutions, but was passed on from guru to shishya in earlier times. In order to help preserve the spiritual depth of the traditional practice of Ayurveda we are offering this course as an introduction to this vast subject which requires years of study to master. As per tradition we are offering this course free of charge, so that students can donate as they are able for this invaluable information to help deepen their practice. To benefit from this class, it is recommended that students be doing a daily spiritual practice of chanting, puja, or meditation before applying. Applicants will be selected for the course through agni lakshanam. |
Ayurveda Courses with Swamiji
Discover ancient Ayurvedic wisdom on rare topics with a Spiritual Master and Teacher. |
Class Details
Classes will be held via live zoom call, so that students can learn the direct conversation and interaction with Swamiji. This class is limitted to seven participants to ensure that everyone has ample opportunity to ask questions and interact with Swamiji.
- Beginning March 17th - For Who: Healing Arts Practitioners - Cost: By Donation - Location: Online via Zoom - Total Class length: Approximately 1 hours of instruction - Recorded Class - Can be watched multiple times at a time that is convenient to you. - Number of Class Meetings - 5 Meetings, once a week - Language: English - Instructor: Swamiji |
Class Application
When your application is received we will light an oil lamp then prayers and offerings will be offered for you. We ask the Goddess whether or not you should take the class. We will carefully observe the appearance of the lamp flame to determine the will of the Goddess in the matter. Based upon the indications of the lamp, your application will be accepted or rejected. Applicants will be informed of the outcome via email. Use the form entry to apply today.
Meet the Master
Gaṇanāthāmṛtānanda Svāmī aka SwamijiAs the founder and director of Soma Matha Spiritual Center, Swamiji has taught the mystical Vedic Sciences to sincere students from all backgrounds for over 20 years, and has provided counsel and spiritual services for various Temples, Churches, and other spiritual organizations in the US and India. Swamiji works tirelessly to preserve the authenticity of the Vedic Sciences, which have been revealed to the world by the ancient Sages for peace, health, prosperity, and liberation from suffering for all in the world. His teachings range from introductory courses on Sanskrit mantra to advanced meditation and rituals. His online courses and webinars explain the ancient tradition in approachable modern terminology and empowers each teaching so that the knowledge comes to life for students, not only in their intellectual understanding, but in their practical experience.
Ways to Donate to the Class
Via Paypal
Via CheckIf you prefer to make a contribution via check:
Checks can be made out to: Soma Matha Spiritual Center And mailed to: 650 Salem Road, Schuyler VA 22969 |
From India
Click the "Buy Now" Button to Donate From India
Thank you for your support!
As a 501(c)(3), Not for Profit Organization, Donations to the Soma Matha are tax deductible. Help our center to continue to provide serve to humanity and open yourself energetically to the healing energy of the Vedic sciences by contributing as your are able.
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