"To make progress in spiritual practice it is necessary to act toward others with love and compassion"
Prerequisites for Study |
We provide authentic teachings and guidance for spiritual practice to sincere seekers from all backgrounds, regardless of caste, creed, nationality, race, or gender. To progress rapidly in the practice of Yoga, the Sages have recommended the preliminary practice of Yama (Restraints) and Niyama (Observances). Students should be familiar with and be practicing the Yama and Niyamas of Yoga.
If you are not familiar with the Yamas and Niyamas, you can click here to view classes led by Swamiji teaching the Yamas and Niyamas. Need Guidance on becoming a student?
Please, get in touch with us at [email protected] |
Giving for Teachings
We offer these teachings freely for the spiritual upliftment of all sincere seekers. It is traditional to never receive teachings or blessings from a guru without giving dakshinam (donation). To be able to receive, we must give. It is the duty of the students to see to it that the mission of the teacher is fulfilled. We ask those who are receiving these teachings and practicing with us to donate generously and regularly to help cover our costs so that we can keep these teachings free to all.
Questions About Your Practice?
Please, do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns that may arise as you practice. It is our duty to provide needed support for these powerful practices we are teaching. Please consider your questions deeply and try to express them in a concise manner. Please inform us of the specific practice you have been doing and your question. This helps to ensure that you asked what you intend and helps to honor Swamiji's time reading and responding to queries.
address |
Schuyler, VA