"The physician who attempts treatment of incurable conditions subjects himself to a loss of wealth, knowledge, and reputation."
- Charaka Samhita, Su. sth. 10, 7-8
According to the ancient texts on Ayurveda, a very important consideration for Vaidyas was to rely upon Divination to determine which clients to accept and which to turn away. This practice has naturally begun to be lost now that more and more Vaidyas are working for money in stead of following the traditional ways of practice. In earlier times, Vaidyas never charged for their services, to insure that that they did the best work they could for the people they were capable of helping. For various reasons, many people are not open to receiving help. Such patients were traditionally turned away. Now that vaidyas have begun to work for money, this practice has been all but lost for most who try to treat anyone who can afford the treatments. Even for practitioners of Ayurveda who charge for their services can benefit a great deal from carefully discerning which clients it will be beneficial for them to work with. They can save themselves a great deal of time and money by carefully considering who they work with and turning away people who are apt to cause trouble or who are unable to benefit from the services offered.
This course covers a simple technique in Prashna (horary) Astrology using 108 cowries shells to help interpret the astrological chart created by the moment one is approached by a client to determine whether one should work with that client. The cowries are used to determine an arudha lagna. The relation of the Arudha lagna to the Prashna Lagna helps to determine when the prashna is blocked for various reasons in which case we should not proceed further with the inquiry. No previous knowledge of Vedic astrology is necessary, though this could be useful. The course will not cover the use of Prashna to determine the nature or cause of problems or to determine the most useful course of treatment. This would require years of study. The intention is simply to provide a simple and accessible method for people to use to help determine which clients they should work with and which should be turned away. This knowledge is useful for Ayurvedic practitioners, astrologers, doctors, counselors, energy workers, life coaches, and healers of all sorts. This technique is simple and fairly easily accessible to all, but we do recommend that you have some regular spiritual practice in place before attempting this technique which does rely a little upon intuition and faith in receiving clear guidance. Applications for this course will be accepted using prashna. |
Upon completion of the course, students may be opt to be tested for a certificate of completion for 4 credit hours for continuing education requirements.