Our Celebration
Join us for a Dhanvantari Puja & Homam on Oct. 22nd 2022
We will be performing Dhanvantari Puja on Oct. 22nd and abhishekam for healing. Prayer helps to resolve the karmic, mental / emotional, and spiritual causes of dis-ease. We will also be performing Dhanvantari Homam, offering 108 healing herbs into the sacred fire.
Sponsors will receive ash from the sacred fire to wear for healing and protection and an Ayurvedic churna (powder) made from 27 herbs with instructions for taking internally to support health and for the blessings of Lord Dhanvantari. Of course prayer alone will not ensure good health. For optimal health it is important that we live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet as well which is taught by Ayurveda, the Vedic Science of Life, Health, and Longevity. Yet when coupled with good diet and lifestyle, prayer can help bring about miraculous healing. It is said that there is no condition which cannot be cure for those who pray with faith.
Shatamanam bhavati shatayuh purusha shatendriya ayushye vendriye pratitishthati .
Sponsors will receive ash from the sacred fire to wear for healing and protection and an Ayurvedic churna (powder) made from 27 herbs with instructions for taking internally to support health and for the blessings of Lord Dhanvantari. Of course prayer alone will not ensure good health. For optimal health it is important that we live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthy diet as well which is taught by Ayurveda, the Vedic Science of Life, Health, and Longevity. Yet when coupled with good diet and lifestyle, prayer can help bring about miraculous healing. It is said that there is no condition which cannot be cure for those who pray with faith.
Shatamanam bhavati shatayuh purusha shatendriya ayushye vendriye pratitishthati .
Sponsor Dhanvantari Puja and Homam
You can sponsor the pujas for any amount you desire. Your donation helps us cover the cost of offerings and mailing and also help us to pay our bills at the property so we can continue our service.
Please include your address when sponsoring so we can mail you prasad blessed in our pujas. Note if sponsoring from aborad that according to the customs regulations of your country, it may not be possible to send herb powders to your country.
Please include your address when sponsoring so we can mail you prasad blessed in our pujas. Note if sponsoring from aborad that according to the customs regulations of your country, it may not be possible to send herb powders to your country.
About Dhanteras
Dhanteras falls on the 13th lunar phase of the dark lunar fortinight of the month of Ashvina (Sept.-Oct.). This festival is celebrated as a part of the Dipavali festival, with Divali day celebrated two days later on the New Moon day. Dhanteras is celebrated as the jayanti (the birthday) of Lord Dhanvatari. Dhanvantari is an aspect of Lord Vishnu, who is the manifestation of the Divine power of healing. Dhanvantari is the patron of Ayurveda, Doctors, and the Medical profession. Dhanvantari is depicted carrying the shakha (conch) which is a symbol of purity and which has healing effects, chakra (the discus) a symbol of the Divine power pervading nature which destroys egoism and materialistic attachments, valuka (leech) which is a symbol of medicine because the leech has been used by ancient and modern doctors in medical procedures, and amritakalasha (pot of eternal nectar) symbolic of the healing power of the Lord and the immortal nature of the soul.